Versioning Policy

This document describes the versioning policy for the Relaton project. We follow the Semantic Versioning scheme.

Versioning Scheme

Version nubmers are in the form of MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. The version number is incremented based on the following:

  • MAJOR version is incremented when incompatible changes are made to the API.

  • MINOR version is incremented when the Relaton data model is changed.

  • PATCH version is incremented when backward-compatible bug fixes are made.

Rules for incrementing version numbers

  1. MAJOR version is incremented when incompatible changes are made to the API. Icrement the MAJOR version when:

    • Removing or renaming classes or methods.

    • Changing the signature of a method.

    • Changing the behavior of a method.

  2. MINOR version is incremented when the Relaton data model is changed. Increment the MINOR version when:

    • Adding, remmoving or renaming attributes of data model classes.

    • Adding new data model classes.

  3. PATCH version is incremented when backward-compatible bug fixes are made. Increment the PATCH version when:

    • Fixing a bug that does not change the behavior of the API.

    • Improving the performance of the API.

Additional Guidelines

For convenience, we use the same major and minor vesions for all the Relaton flavor gems that uses the same version of the Relaton data model.


In some cases, we may increment the PATCH version for backward-incompatible changes. In such cases, we will update dependent gems to use the new version or higher. For example "~> 1.19.2" doen’t allow to use version less than 1.19.2.
