Citation guide for IEC publications

Cite IEC standards


  • IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission

IEC 31010:2019
  • CISPR - International Special Committee on Radio Interference

CISPR 1:1961


  • TS - Technical Specification

IEC TS 60514:1975
  • TR - Technical Report

CISPR TR 16-3:2010
IEC TR 60787:2007
  • PAS - Publicly Available Specification

IEC PAS 60027-6:2004
  • Withouth type - International Standard

IEC 31010:2019


Some standards are published in parts. To cite a specific part of a standard, use an ID with part. For example, to cite part 1 of IEC 61326 use:

IEC 61326-1

The all parts option is supported for IEC standards. For example, to cite all parts of IEC 61326 use:

IEC 61326 (all parts)


The year is optional. If not provided, the current year will be used. For example, to cite IEC 61332 from 1995 use:

IEC 61332:1995

To cite IEC 61332 from the current (2016) year use:

IEC 61332